Baldur's Gate II Chat

I noticed this posted up on the BioWare website today...

    Yak it up...
    ...with the BGII Crew - Wednesday, December 13th 2000, at 8PM EST (6pm MST, 5pm PST) on SpeedZone. Be there for an Ultimate SpeedZone first!

    The Baldur's Gate II team is invading the Time Warner/Roadrunner Ultimate SpeedZone chat en masse! They usually focus the chats on one personality in gaming. Well this time around we're charting new territory for the ENTIRE Baldur's Gate II design team!!
    Here's the details:

    Who: Baldur's Gate 2 design team!
    What: Live On-line Chat
    When: Wednesday 12/13 at 8PM EST!
    Where: ONLY at Ultimate SpeedZone on RoadRunner!
    Why: Baldur's Gate 2 Enough said.

I'm going to see if we can get some of the GameBanshee crew there.