Dead State Design Update, Screenshots

This week's design update on the Dead State forums is more interesting than usual because it includes three new screenshots, including one that features our very first look at the game's exploration/combat GUI and another that shows off the character creation design. As usual, I've mirrored the new screenshots in our image gallery, and here's what Mr. Mitsoda has to say about the new eye candy:
The layout of your main GUI is of critical importance. A good GUI isn't going to save a bad game, but a bad GUI can cripple a good game. The GUI needs to do the following:

-Draw attention to important information.

-Be laid out in a sensible way to allow players to jump in (*it helps if it borrows from other games in the genre for familiarity).

-Allow access to important actions and sub-menus without relying exclusively on hotkeys.

-Not be too noisy or take up too much screen real estate.

-Relay tactically sensitive information in an immediate and logical way.

-Have a consistent theme.

Once the designers finish the GUI mockup, we turn it over to art. In our pipeline, we have recently added a very talented GUI artist to work on the many different screens we have. Oscar (our lead artist) and both Annie and I have given several rounds feedback to get the GUI just right to balance design, functionality, and artistic/readability needs of the GUI. Additional testing of the GUI will tell us if we need to make any further changes.

You'll notice a couple of things.

-Our art style for the GUIs reinforces the (scavenged materials) aspect of the game.

-The Noise Meter at the top tells you how noisy you are.

-The portraits tell you who's with you, what their health is at, and if they have any statuses.

-Your currently equipped weapons and hot slot items (medical kit and grenade shown), remaining AP, HP, and any statuses you may have.

-A text box overlay on the left for messages.

-A list of sub-menu icons on the right (inventory, group commands, map, and main menu).

-We reduced it as much as possible to not interfere with gameplay.
Looking very, very good. The noise meter is perfect.