20% of All Direct2Drive Orders Free

If you're in the market for some downloadable role-playing titles this holiday weekend, you may want to try your luck on this Direct2Drive promotion that promises to make 20% of all orders free of charge. Of course, you'll have to charge an order to your credit card before discovering if you've "won", but it certainly can't hurt to try if you've been meaning to pick up some digitized games anyway.

Here's a list of some of their discounted RPGs and RPG hybrids, in case you decide to bite: Risen for $14.99, Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords for $9.95, Elven Legacy for $9.95, Two Worlds Epic Edition for $9.95, Deus Ex: Invisible War for $9.99, Torchlight for $9.99, and Gothic III for $14.95.

Keep in mind that they also price match, so you'll want to keep an eye on Steam and Impulse's deals, too.