Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Armor of Faith |
Base Armor Class: 6 |
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 1 |
Armor Check Penalty: -6 |
Arcane Spell Failure: 35% |
Feats Required: Heavy Armor |
Base Item: Armor |
Weight: 35 pound(s) |
Resource Name: x2_cus_armoroffa |
Installation: Neverwinter Nights 2 (Base) |
Special Properties |
Material: Metal (Iron)
AC Bonus [+ 5] AC Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Evil [+ 8] Use Limitation: Class: Divine Champion Use Limitation: Class: Paladin
Created in a forge blessed by unknown gods to match the resolve shown by the wearer this armor almost glows with its own light. Worn by zealots and kings it is a symbol of the righteous and the bold. |