

Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Monk's Journal
Base Item: Book
Weight: 1 pound(s)
Resource Name: i_monkjournal
Installation: Mysteries of Westgate
Special Properties
No Other Properties
Some of the pages of this journal have been torn out, possibly to be used as kindling in the fireplaces of the Brother Tobias Winery. The last entry you can make out dates to almost three years ago:

Regtiddle seems especially anxious about the strange sounds coming from beneath the cellar. You can tell by the way the bard insists on playing a song or telling a joke every time we hear the unexplained footsteps or the rumbling of stone. Today he remarked that the ancient dragon Kisonraathiisar might still be alive - and the sounds we hear, the grumblings of a stomach eager to fill itself with halfling meat. Of course, if Regtiddle really thought that, I doubt he would have remained as our visitor for so long.

Niman believes the sounds are coming from undead stirring from their places of rest in the catacombs. He believes we should be actively looking for the cause of the disturbance. Of course, the way the noises have grown louder and more frequent in recent days, I have to wonder if the disturbance won't come to us.