

Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Lesser Golem Armor
Base Armor Class: 5
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 3
Armor Check Penalty: -4
Arcane Spell Failure: 25%
Feats Required: Medium Armor
Base Item: Armor
Weight: 30 pound(s)
Resource Name: n2_maarcl01
Installation: Neverwinter Nights 2 (Base)
Special Properties
Material: Metal (Iron)
AC Bonus [+ 5]
Ability Bonus: Strength [+ 4]
Immunity: Miscellaneous: Level/Ability Drain
When Poderik Strind survived his first attack from a golem, he was struck by a thought. If a person could harness the same magical energies that animated a powerful golem, and put them on a suit of armor, that person would be a walking death machine. Such a warrior would be better than either a golem or a regular warrior, since he would have the strength and toughness of the golem, but the flexible mind of a man. The design disappeared with Poderik when he went to test his armor in a haunted cavern and never came back.