Neverwinter Nights 2 Feats Database: Feat Details
Bleeding Wound III |
Feat ID: 2054 |
Type of Feat: Class |
Use: Automatic |
Prerequisite: Invisible Blade Level 1 |
Installation: Mask of the Betrayer |
At 1st level, when an invisible blade hits with a successful sneak attack, he inflicts a bleeding wound that deals 2 points of damage per round for 3 rounds. This damage stacks with previous damage caused by a Bleeding Wound attack. He must be either unarmed or wielding only light weapons in order to inflict a Bleeding Wound. At 3rd level, the damage increases to 4 points per round, and at 5th level, it increases to 6 points per round. Each level of Bleeding Wound counts as one die of sneak attack damage for purposes of class and feat prerequisites.