

Fable II Equipment Database: Item Details
The Perforator
Category: Weapon (Ranged)
Rank: 5/5 Stars
Base Value: 59400
Damage: 81.0
Damage Type: Bullet
Attack Speed: Normal
Ammo Capacity: 6
Reload Time: 0.75
Range: 60.0
Augments: Fear Itself Augment, Discipline Augment, Barkskin Augment
The augments in this weapon will instill fear in any citizen who sees you wielding it, allow you to earn more experience than usual from combat, but also make you prone to scarring. The most powerful turret rifle ever constructed, The Perforator first belonged to Maniac Mary, a bandit queen who lived around 150 years ago, and who managed to unite hundreds of bandit gangs under her banner. Inevitably, such a gathering of villains resulted in a violent uprising as her lieutenants attempted to take the rifle, and the leadership, from her. After her fall, the weapon passed through the hands of dozens of bandits, until it was lost, seemingly forever.
• The Wraithmarsh Demon Door - Found in chest