

Dungeons & Dragons Online Equipment Database: Item Details
Linen Handwraps
The City of Doors Has Led You Astray!

The City of Doors Has Led You Astray!

Unfortunately, you've gone through a door that leads only to despair, entropy, and the occasional modron. We suggest that you return to in order to track down the content you seek through another door.


The City of Doors Has Led You Astray!

The City of Doors Has Led You Astray!

Unfortunately, you've gone through a door that leads only to despair, entropy, and the occasional modron. We suggest that you return to in order to track down the content you seek through another door.


The City of Doors Has Led You Astray!

The City of Doors Has Led You Astray!

Unfortunately, you've gone through a door that leads only to despair, entropy, and the occasional modron. We suggest that you return to in order to track down the content you seek through another door.


Bound to Character
Minimum Level: 7
Equips To: Hands
Durability: 40 / Leather [Hardness: 8]
Base Value: 9050 gp
Weight: 0.10 lbs
Obtained: Potential reward at completion of Delera's Tomb adventure line
Filthy bandages that smell of gravedust and mildew. When worn, the wraps seem to enhance the strength of the wearer.