Dragon Age: Origins Codex Database: Entry Details
Marjolaine [Entry #286] |
Category: Quest-Related |
Installation: Leliana's Song DLC |
I remember… Marjolaine commanded fear, respect, and a high price. She was the Orlesian artistocracy's answer when the next step in a rivalry was to end it. And she was everything I wanted to be. She never spoke of herself, never gave hints of who she was away from the game, but she always seemed to know how to captivate us. She was a mentor, not a leader. She suggested, and others grew wealthy in her shadow.
At the time, I only casually noted that Marjolaine's satchel held just the bare essentials for travel. It was barren of anything even remotely sentimental. |
Obtained: | Hideout - Received upon inspection of Marjolaine's satchel |