

Dragon Age: Origins Codex Database: Entry Details
Arl Eamon Guerrin [Entry #170]
Category: Characters
Installation: Base Installation
"Nobility does not exist without obligation. We owe all we have, even our lives, to our land and our people."

As the maternal uncle of King Cailan, Arl Eamon is one of the king's most trusted advisors. Redcliffe, while not a large or especially wealthy part of Ferelden, is a critical strategic location: The fortress guards the western pass that leads to Orlais, as well as the major trade route with Orzammar. A well-respected man, though not the most charismatic, King Cailan once said of him, "My Uncle Eamon is a man everyone thinks well of--when they remember to think of him at all."
He fell ill with a mysterious condition that even magic could not treat.
It was no common ailment. Eamon was poisoned by a blood mage, Jowan, who claimed to be working for Teyrn Loghain. The arl's life was saved only by the most extraordinary measures: finding the Urn of Sacred Ashes, the remains of Andraste herself.
His health restored, Eamon called a Landsmeet with the goal of wresting power from Loghain and placing Alistair on the throne.
With the question of the succession settled, Eamon returned to Redcliffe to prepare the castle's defenses for the encroaching Blight.
• The Korcari Wilds (Deep in the Wilds) - Received after recruiting Morrigan