Dragon Age: Origins Codex Database: Entry Details
*Your War Hound's Name* [Entry #168] |
Category: Characters |
Installation: Base Installation |
"The mabari is clever enough to speak, and wise enough to know not to."
--Fereldan proverb. |
*First Name*'s warhound has a pedigree older than Highever, and a penchant for driving cooks to distraction. |
*First Name* found this mabari in the camp at Ostagar. His master was killed in the Wilds, and *Dog Name* fell ill from biting the darkspawn in battle. *Dog Name* seems to have chosen *First Name* as his new master now, seeking *First Name* out after the battle at Ostagar and warning of an impending darkspawn attack. |
Obtained: | Castle Cousland - Received from the Mischief in the Larder quest during Human Noble origin story |