Dragon Age: Origins Codex Database: Entry Details
Alistair [Entry #162] |
Category: Characters |
Installation: Base Installation |
"You know, one good thing about the Blight is how it brings people together."
Alistair was a novice templar when Duncan recruited him into the Grey Wardens--or rescued him, as Alistair would say. |
His mother was a serving girl, who died when Alistair was very young. He was raised by Eamon Guerrin, arl of Redcliffe for a time. |
The arl's wife, Isolde, suspected the reason her husband took an interest in the welfare of a servant's child was that Alistair was Eamon's son. She insisted that the boy be sent away to the Chantry. |
Isolde's suspicions were unfounded, however. Alistair was not Eamon's son, but King Maric's. Eamon sheltered the boy to hide his existence from Queen Rowan, Eamon's sister. |
With a great deal of assistance, Alistair was recognized by the Landsmeet as Maric's son and granted his father's throne. |
Unable to accept the decision to spare Loghain's life, Alistair left--and has not been seen since. |
To prevent further civil war, he was executed at the Landsmeet on the orders of Queen Anora, ending the Theirin line. |
In the battle against the archdemon in Denerim, Alistair gave his life to save his friends and end the Blight. |
Alistair is fascinated by magic, even as his life is defined by fighting its darker manifestations. He has a fondness for strange runestones and figural studies of arcane creatures. |
Obtained: | Ostagar - Received after you recruit Alistair into the party |