Star Wars: KotOR Equipment Database: Item Details
Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh |
Template: g_a_class8009 |
Tag: g_a_class8009 |
Type: Armor (Heavy) |
Value: 12000 |
Feat(s) Required: Armor Proficiency: Heavy |
Special Properties |
Defense Bonus: 12 |
Max Dexterity Bonus: +1 |
Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. Cold, Resist 25/- vs. Fire, Resist 25/- vs. Sonic |
Using the highly expensive Zal alloy, the Verpine have developed a suit without peer. The only thing greater than the protective capabilities of this armor is the price. |
Obtained: |
Unknown World (North Beach) - Reward from Warleader Garn for defeating Mandalorians |