Star Wars: KotOR Equipment Database: Item Details
Mandalorian Battle Armor |
Template: g_a_class9003 |
Tag: g_a_class9003 |
Type: Armor (Heavy) |
Value: 4000 |
Feat(s) Required: Armor Proficiency: Heavy |
Special Properties |
Defense Bonus: 11 |
Max Dexterity Bonus: +0 |
Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. Electrical |
Republic soldiers saw this armor all too often during the Mandalorian War. It's understandable that the conflict could drag on when a fanatical enemy is so defensively outfitted. |
Obtained: |
Korriban (Tomb of Tulak Hord) - Found on corpse |
Kashyyyk (Lower Shadowlands) - Found on Mandalorian Commander |
Unknown World (Rakatan Settlement) - Found in wicker footlocker |