Star Wars: KotOR Equipment Database: Item Details
Lightsaber |
Template: g_w_lghtsbr01 |
Tag: g_w_lghtsbr01 |
Type: Weapon (Lightsaber) |
Value: 900 |
Feat(s) Required: Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber |
Special Properties |
Damage: Energy, 2-16 |
Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2 |
Traditionally associated with the Jedi, the lightsaber is a devastating weapon difficult to master. Properties can vary with the type of focusing crystal used in construction. |
Obtained: |
Dantooine (Jedi Enclave) - Constructed at work bench if you choose to be a Jedi Guardian |
Dantooine (Grove) - Found on Sherruk the Mandalorian Leader's corpse |