Baldur's Gate Equipment Database: Search Results
Tongue of Acid +3
Category: Weapon
(Long Sword)
Value: 8750
Lore Req to ID: 80
Weight: 2
One-Handed Weapon
THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d8+3, +1s3 Acid
Damage Type: Slashing
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency: Long Sword
Requires: 6 Strength
Combat Abilities:
• 10% chance per hit of slowing the target for 3 rounds (Save vs. Spell negates)
How Obtained:
• Avernus (Bridge) - Reward from Thrix (SOD)
This infernal longsword, forged to resemble a devil's tongue, has a blade "sharper than any scream" according to the writing on the hilt. Its edge cuts easily through armor and bone and leaves acid sizzling in the wounds it inflicts. The pain its wounds inflict is so severe that its victims have difficulty functioning, even walking, due to the agony.