

Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Wand of Paralyzation
Base Item: Magic Wand
Charges: 50
Weight: 1 pound(s)
Resource Name: nw_wmgwn005
Installation: Neverwinter Nights 2 (Base)
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Hold Monster (7) [5 Charges/Use]
Use Limitation: Class: Bard
Use Limitation: Class: Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class: Wizard
Those who create items of this type are not quick to let their names be known, as they are often accused of cruelty or treacherous behavior. As useful as Wands of Paralyzation are, they are forever linked to tales of strong warriors rendered helpless and forced to endure gods know what, and that never sits well with a tavern crowd.