

Side Quest: Rough Neighborhood

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At some point while you're in Oxenfurt in Velen North (supposedly after completing the quest Contract: The Oxenfirt Drunk), you'll witness a woman named Dora being threatened by some mercenaries (#1). If you intervene, then no matter what you say, the mercenaries will attack you -- with their fists. If you respond in kind, then you'll trigger the quest. But if you draw your weapon and kill the mercenaries, then Dora will run away and you'll never see her again.


After beating up the mercenaries, when you talk to Dora, you'll get a chance to escort her home. This bit of gallantry won't take very long, and nothing bad will happen along the way. When you reach Dora's house (#2), you'll complete the quest and earn 25 xp.

If you return to Oxenfurt a day or more later, then you might run into the mercenaries again (#3). This time they'll use their weapons, but as you're fighting them, Dora will swoop in and help you out. For defeating the mercenaries, you'll earn another 25 xp.

1 - Dora

2 - Dora's House

3 - Mercenaries