

Green Griffon Inn
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Green Griffon Inn Exterior

Follow the path south to reach North Road and Port Llast.


This small cave here is nothing else than the Werewolf cave. The first time you go inside, if you haven't rescued and restored the young boys that were bitten by the Black Wolf, you will only find a fragment of a Journal which most possible be from Sir Karathis Journal. It says that he also has been bitten by the Black Wolf and will not return to the cave until he finds the boys.

Once you find all three of the boys, return back here and you will find Sir Karathis inside the cave. Do the same as you did with the boys and restore him back to human with one of Neurik's Silver charms. Sir Karathis will then give you his Journal and take his leave. The Journal of Sir Karathis contains the true story of what happened the day that he and the boys went looking for the Black Wolf. It also contains the true identity of the Black Wolf. Return back to Neurik at the Temple of Tyr and let him know what you have discovered. Neurik will then ask you for one last favor, to destroy the Black Wolf.


Inside the house you will meet with the Gravekeeper of the Graveyard at area #4. He will tell you about an ancient tomb of the Arcane Brotherhood that is located below the Graveyard and that several undead are guarding it. You can persuade or threaten him to give you the Mausoleum Key to unlock the entrance of the Tomb. Located inside the Tomb, is one of the Tomes of Imaskar so you might want to check it out.


The entrance to the Arcane Brotherhood Tomb can be found inside the Graveyard, but you will need the Mausoleum Key in order to unlock the door. Talk with the Gravekeeper at area #3 and he will eventually give you the key.


When you finally uncover the location of the Cult and on your way to enter Luskan Darktongue, the Dwarf you've met before at the Alliance Arm Inn, will be waiting for you here with two of his guard. As you may have guessed, Darktongue is also a Cult agent and the last that will try to stop before you reach Luskan. Keep in mind that he really tough and you might want to prepared before engaging this battle. When Darktongue is defeated, continue forth to area #7 and to the gate to Luskan.


The famous Green Griffon Inn is located here. Quite a few events and quests await you inside so be prepared for anything. (See areas #8-12 below)


A couple of guards near the gate will inform you that you cannot enter Luskan at the moment. In order to gain entrance to the town of Luskan you must first uncover the Cult's location by providing information to Lady Aribeth. When you do a Sergeant will be waiting for you their, as Aarin Gend told you, to get you inside Luskan. You should know that upon entering Luskan you cannot go back to Port Llast areas so check you inventory and keep any equipment you want and plot items with you (ex. Aribeth's Ring).

Green Griffon Inn Main Floor

As soon as you enter the Inn a young woman will approach you and ask for your help. She will ask you to rescue a fellow of hers called Neva, that has been kidnapped by some bandits. According to Jaheet, Neva can be found near the Standing Stones just before the entrance to Charwood at the South Road.


The owner of Green Griffon Inn, Mutamin has a nice selection of magical items. As you will notice the Inn is crowded but Mutamin does not give any sufficient excuse as of why the Inn is so full of people. After talking with some of the patrons and find out about Mutamin's Challenge come and talk to him again. He will inform of a competition more like a dungeon race that will take place under the Inn. You can enter the competition for 500gp and the price is half of Mutamin's wealth. Mutamin will also give you a key to enter the basement of the Inn and enter the competition. After winning the competition Mutamin will reward you will 900 gold pieces and 500 experience points (you can persuade him for more gold).

Also a strange Lady warrior by the name of Zamithra and her personal female guard are located inside the Inn. Zamithra is actually the owner of one of the Serpent Gem Elaith told you about at the Alliance Arm Inn and there are a few ways to get it from her:
  • You can force a fight with her through dialog and kill her and her guard right here. She drops a key that unlocks her chest upstairs to the second level of the Inn. Inside the chest you will find Zamithra's Gem
  • You can go upstairs with her and then threaten her to give the Serpent Gem, which she will, considering you fooled her and separated her from the guard. You don't have to kill her this way or
  • You can refuse to go upstairs with her but also without starting a fight. She will then pick on another patron of the Inn and she will eventually go upstairs with him. You can follow her and kill her (becomes hostile) when she is again separated from the guard, and take the gem afterwards.

Green Griffon Inn Second Floor

This is Zamithra's Room, if you decide not to kill her she will give you the Gem otherwise come here with her key (drops it when you kill her) and unlock the chest in her room to get Zamithra's Gem.

11 – ZOR

Zor the Minotaur in one of the escaped prisoners Kendrack told you about. You will notice that the door to this room is locked. You can bash it open or unlock it but beware because as soon as you do that you will be attacked by Zor and he proves to be a difficult opponent. After some beating he will eventually speak with you and let you know of his side of the story and how they escaped with the other prisoners. You can let him leave afterwards but you will not get his ear Kendrack need as proof or kill him and take his tattooed ear back to Kendrack.

Green Griffon Inn Basement

Jaroo the master of the games is located down to the basement of Green Griffon Inn. He is also the one you have to pay the 500 gold pieces to enter Mutamin's Challenge. According to Jaroo you can exit the competition at any point but in order to get back in you have to pay another 500 gold pieces.

NWN Walkthrough



Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four