

Machine Gun
Machine Gun - Try This! To be honest, this is my least favorite weapon in the game. The recoil effect is just too damn annoying and you'll want to pick up other weapon upgrades from the Power to the People stations before getting the kickback reduction. With that said, the weapon can still pack a punch when the bullets it's spraying hit their intended target. There's just no good reason to be using it, though, unless you're running low on other ammunition and can keep it under control.

Your first opportunity to pick up this weapon is near the Electrical Override switch in the Medical Pavilion's Emergency Access corridor.


Machine Gun Rounds Machine Gun Rounds
These .45 caliber bullets will do the job you want, if the job is spraying death at your enemies. Hey, someone has to do it.
This ammunition has a carry capacity of 360 and a load capacity of 40.

Antipersonnel Auto Rounds Antipersonnel Auto Rounds
These .45 caliber bullets are specifically designed to neutralize non-armored targets like Splicers. Or clowns.
This ammunition has a carry capacity of 180 and a load capacity of 40.

Armor-Piercing Auto Rounds Armor-Piercing Auto Rounds
These .45 caliber bullets are particularly effective against metal or armored targets, like turrets, security bots, and all variations of the Big Daddy.
This ammunition has a carry capacity of 180 and a load capacity of 40.


Machine Gun Damage Increase Machine Gun Damage Increase
An acceleration framework increases the damage of the Machine Gun. I wouldn't recommend taking either of the Machine Gun's upgrades until you've taken most of the others.

Machine Gun Kickback Reduction Machine Gun Kickback Reduction
A stabilization cylinder reduces the kickback of the machine gun. I wouldn't recommend taking either of the Machine Gun's upgrades until you've taken most of the others. This should be your first choice of the two, though.